Doing more with NFT’s: Ashcan Comics Publishing

Example of a weekly Event ticket NFT from 1000 Blades

Following up on those Artists talking about their NFT success. I’m sure there are a few examples out there, but I’m going to focus on the work of Ashcan Comics Publishing in particular, when it comes to NFT’s with extra features. 1000 Blades is a Card game divided into factions where the participant can pick their team; Monk, Samurai and Ninja. Participation is by purchasing a player NFT and also a weekly ticket event NFT, these are both of limited number. Team members are rewarded with further NFT’s in accordance with each Event result and there are also special rewards for individual players. To illustrate, you can see the most recent Event video. Relay X’s BSV powered NFT store for Ashcan Comics is here.

Also from Ashcan is another example of how NFT’s can be applied as a service, Tome Of History is an additional feature that can be unlocked for Tique Wallet. Simply by purchasing the NFT and holding it in your Tique Wallet, the feature is enabled so the user can see their transaction history.

If you don’t mind using plain old regular tokens, you can also purchase them to view comics such as Oath.

Disclosure: Ashcan’s Nate created the avatar the boss uses and the BitChad character for this very website. The boss also participates in 1000 Blades as a Ninja (been doing pretty well actually).

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