Horsin’ around in NZ

Keeping Up With The Kaimanawas might sound like another reality television series that seems to be primarily about fame seeking, but the only similarity shared with the Kardashians is the focus on three sisters. We are introduced to Amanda, Kelly and Vicki. The Wilson sisters’ journey is not about fame and fortune, but their love of New Zealand’s feral horses (Kaimanawas) and proving they have value.

Horse fans will love this show, but there is something for other audiences who will find it educating, we are taken through the round-up, breaking in, training and competitive showing of these animals. It’s not all about the process though, we learn about what makes these sisters tick and see scenes with their friends and family. We find out the importance of Horse health, with their lives in the balance.

One of the sisters, Kelly Wilson, has written books on Horses; For The Love Of Horses is the companion book to the Keeping Up With The Kaimanawas series. Details on Kelly’s books are on her website.

Given the extent of my knowledge about Horses being from when I rode a Pony when I was a child. And my knowledge of wild horses is only from what I’ve seen in Films. I found this both entertaining and educational, a win-win for the brain. I was lucky enough to pick this up cheap on DVD. It might be a challenge to find this series in your country or online.

Sir Quacks-A-Lot

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